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Select Board Meeting Minutes 9/29/14
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Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 9/29/14

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Wayne Burkhart, Chairperson, Scott Jenssen and Kenn Basler

Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  David Riland for the Monterey News, Shawn Tryon, Ray Tryon, Karen Allen, Don Torrico, Bettina Schwartz, Mark Firth, Jeffrey Purvis, Bob Phillips, Pam Phillips, Lenny Harris, Andy and Tamara Conli, Craig and Diane Samuelson, Tika Snyder, Jon & Linda Schweitzer, Barry Karson, Chris Blair and Richard Tryon

The board met with Director of Operations, Shawn Tryon to review the following:
1.  The Board reviewed the draft job description for a 4th highway member/transfer station attendant that M. Noe and Shawn created as well as the surrounding town survey (attached).  The Board is still considering whether or not they want to keep this as a contracted position through the hauling company or make it a town employee.  Shawn is in favor of this position being made into a town employee that would split hours at the transfer station and as a 4th highway member.  The only item that would still need to be figured out if this were to happen would be covering shifts at the transfer station when vacation or sick time is taken.  It is proposed that this would either be a Wed – Sun or Sat – Wed position.  The main job function of this person would be to cover the dump any additional skills to plow (with a 550 truck no special license required) or maintenance skills would be a bonus.  After reviewing the hourly rates of surrounding towns it was suggested that the range for this position could be between $17 - 20/hr.  This position would be added to the FY16 budget.  The increase to the town for this position could be recouped through raising the sticker price and/or going back to charging for the bulky waste that is currently allowed to be dumped at no cost but is very costly to the town to get rid of.  The Board felt that making this position a town employee could be justified to the town.  It was suggested that this position could be proposed at a special town meeting and then the RFP for hauling services would go out after this for services to begin on July 1, 2015.  It was agreed that this position will be added to the town meeting warrant to make sure the town supports this.  Shawn will firm up the job description and add what responsibilities would be added for the 16 hours that this person would be assisting the highway crew.
2.  There is an issue that occurred over the weekend at the Transfer Station with someone sneaking in before it was opened.  Shawn is going to review the video footage to see who it was to address this.
3.  The Select Board signed the Chapter 90 reimbursement paperwork.

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  Police Chief’s weekly report was reviewed.
2.  Warrants were signed.
3.  The Board met with Bob Phillips Executive Director of Hume as well as other Hume employees to discuss the recent complaints received by the neighbors regarding noise and expansion.
a.  Bettina Schwartz stated that the first time she noticed the existence of the camp was in 2013 and a representative then adjusted the loud speakers and it wasn’t an issue again until this summer.  Jon and Linda Schweitzer concurred and added that the loudspeakers and constant noise are extremely offensive.
b.  Karen Allen added that in her 26 years in Monterey she’s never seen the level of traffic that has been over the last year and a half.  She’s concerned at the size of the trucks and the speed of the traffic that have been a part of the increase.  Other neighbors added that because of the narrowness of the road that they have been run off the road by these trucks.  The neighbors are concerned that this is an accident waiting to happen.
c.  The neighbors are concerned that the value of their properties and quality of their lives are being severely impacted.  The neighbors are also concerned about the projected expansion of Hume.
d.  Bob Phillips of Hume first shared what Hume does and then addressed the concerns above.  Hume has measured the decibel levels from various locations around the camp and determined that they never reached above 76db - 75 feet from the loudspeakers (lower than OSHA’s levels).  All of the speakers were moved in the latter part of July so that they are facing into camp.  Hume is looking at relocating the fields where some of the outdoor activities take place so that they are shielded by more trees.  Hume is going to continue to work on addressing the noise issues.
e.  Craig Samuelson stated that when Keswick was operating a camp there the numbers of children in attendance was never sustainable, especially after the fire.  He feels that the reason that the neighbors are hearing the camp more is due to different programs and a considerable increase in campers.
f.  The loggers working at Hume have been spoken to about the speed at which they travel Chestnut Hill.  Hume is looking at creating a different access road to eliminate some of the traffic issues.
g.  Bob Phillips stated that Hume doesn’t want to be the enemy and would like to work with the neighbors to be a part of this community.  Hume is committed to making things less bothersome to the neighbors but added that it is reciprocal and that Hume hears the noises of dogs barking, people hosting get togethers and are affected by the traffic too.  The projections for expansion aren’t on a specific timetable as they are all funded through donations.
h.  Don Torrico stated that the Select Board has no jurisdiction here and that the proper review would be through a site plan review during a public hearing with the Planning Board.  Our bylaws have specific requirements with regards to site plan reviews.  The Select Board responded that this meeting was just to facilitate communication between the interested parties.  Hume will be required to submit a site plan for review for the expansion plans they have.
i.  Hume stated that for them to be profitable they will eventually need to expand to up to 500 campers.  The neighbors are concerned about this large of an expansion.
j.  It was suggested that a lot of the frustration that built up amongst the neighbors could’ve been avoided if there had been better communication about what was taking place on the property.  Hume has agreed to set up some sort of communication with the neighbors regarding any upcoming large projects that may impact the neighborhood.
4.  Fairview Rd: it was questioned whether or not any further work was going to be done on the gravel portion as it’s “washboardy”.  The highway crew has it on the agenda to grade either this week or next week.
5.  Kenn has backed off on creating the committee to discuss the future of the Monterey School due to Wayne’s concerns.  This will be discussed next week before any decisions are made on forming a committee.
6.  Administrative Assistant’s weekly report was reviewed.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 11:42am

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk